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2014/03/01Staff Blog

Hina-Matsuri (Doll festival)


This festival, which takes place on the 3rd of March, is celebrated in order to ward off evil and promote health among the young girls in Japan. Traditionally, this event was only celebrated by the young daughters of the Imperial Family and the Japanese upper class, but gradually this festival became integrated into the celebrations of the common people. In carrying on with the tradition, Hina dolls are lovingly appreciated and special sweets that can only be eaten on this day are served. This is a long-standing cultural event in Japan and learning more about this special festival is well worth the experience.


1. Hokyoji-monzeki Temple

Among the various convents frequented by high society, this temple is simply known as the doll temple, and is only open to visitors during limited periods in the spring and fall. In particular, the yearly opening in March features a “Puppet Festival” in which the main building of the temple is filled with decorated Hina dolls. In addition to Hina dolls, dolls owned by the Imperial Family and life-size dolls are also on exhibit in a special puppet exhibition held at the same time.



Address: 547-1 Dodo-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City

Access: A short walk from city bus stop Horikawa Teranouchi

Hours 10:00 – 16:00 (No admission after 15:30)